Preventing Cavities: At the Dentist's Office

Q: What will happen during my first visit to Peterson Dental?

A: After making an appointment to see Dr. Peterson, you’ll arrive to find a friendly and caring staff with many personal touches to keep you comfortable. You can enjoy magazines, television and coffee or bottled water in our lobby. We’ll take a few digital x-rays. In our comfortable patient rooms, you’ll have a seat in our massaging and heated dental chairs and you can watch television or listen to music while our hygienist cleans your teeth. Dr. Peterson will visit with you for your dental exam.

At Peterson Dental, we believe in taking a comprehensive approach to your dental care. This includes a personalized treatment plan, oral cancer screening, periodontal exam, home care technique assessment and more. Then we’ll schedule your next visit with us. Our goal is to make your visit as comfortable and convenient as possible. If you have more questions about your first visit, or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (205) 699-1155.

Q: How often should you visit the dentist?

A: If your teeth and gums are healthy, you should visit the dentist every six months for a regular cleaning, x-rays and exam by the dentist. If you are having dental problems you may need an extra visit or two to get your teeth and gums back to health.

Q: Why is visiting the dentist so important?

A: Visiting the dentist regularly will not only keep your teeth and mouth healthy, it will also help keep the rest of your body healthy. Regular visits help prevent tooth decay, periodontal disease which can lead to tooth and bone loss, prevents bad breath and helps keep your teeth looking bright by removing surface stains. When you visit the dentist regularly, you can have a more attractive smile which can increase your self-confidence. So many of our patients now say they love to smile for pictures because they love how their teeth look.

Q: My teeth feel fine. Do I still need to see a dentist?

A: If you never changed the oil in your car what would happen? If you didn’t wash your clothes, how would they look? Going to the dentist helps to maintain your teeth. But the best part is your dentist can catch problems BEFORE they start hurting you. With so many advances in dentistry, you don’t have to settle for stained, chipped, missing or misshapen teeth. Restoring your smile may be more affordable than you expect. Take a small step in the right direction and simply visit the dentist for a cleaning. Little steps over a long period of time can restore you smile to camera ready before you know it!

Q: I haven’t been to the dentist in a long time. What should I expect?

A: If you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time, we may break up your cleaning into multiple visits to make you a little more comfortable. Sometimes it takes a little extra time to get your teeth and gums back to their healthiest. But don’t worry, we’ll take the time to explain things to you and help you get your smile back! Take a look at some of our Patient Testimonials to hear firsthand about our successful smile restorations.

Q: What should I look for when choosing the right dentist for me?

A: Choosing a dentist who “clicks” with you and your family is important, so you may wish to consider several dentists before making your final decision. All dentists in the State of Alabama attend rigorous schooling and must pass difficult testing before being allowed to practice in our state.

Here are some other questions to consider during your first visit to a dental practice:

  • Is the office clean and orderly?
  • Was this visit convenient for me and my family?
  • Did the dentist and staff take time to explain things to me?
  • Did I feel comfortable and relaxed in the office?
  • Was everyone friendly?
  • Am I better equipped and motivated to take care of my teeth and gums?

More Reading: Dental Health for Children